IMS Progressive International Motorcycle Shows Outdoor Event will be held in 2021

Due to the rise of the Corona-virus pandemic, Progressive International Motorcycle Shows are being replaced. These shows consisted of in-door motorcycle displays that take place during the off-season. Because of the risk of the spread of Corona virus, these events have been replaced with a series of new outdoor events.
These events will provide visitors a chance to gain a better hands-on experience. The schedule for this event was announced earlier this month. Progressive IMS Outdoor events will be held in the summer of 2021
There are nine locations this series has planned to visit, all across the US from June to October. Circumstances have revealed that this event will serve as a big improvement in the overall old IMS shows.

It is one of the highly anticipated events that take place in the northern half of the US during winter. However, the idea of getting spectators to gather in a big convention center only to have them sits and look at parked motorcycles was getting boring. Moreover, during a global pandemic, it was not feasible to hold such an event.
According to IMS Outdoors, this series of events will broaden the overall scope of motorcycling activities. It also provides visitors a chance to enjoy more demo rides. The event will include much more than just motorbikes. Various other vehicles including side-by-sides, recreational vehicles, electric scooters, and bicycles will also be available for demo.
It is revealed that this event will have rather festive vibes. There will be several appearances and performances by local artisans.
On the other hand, Aim Expo plans have been rescheduled yet again in a separate development. This expo was a combination of events that used to be held on industry-only days and included a weekend consumer-focused portion.
These events will now take place in January of 2021. It is going to be an industry-only event. Moreover, due to the Corona virus pandemic, this event will be virtual. An in-person gathering will not take place as previously planned at Columbus Convention Center in Ohio.
Tickets for Progressive IMS Outdoors events will be available from April 19, 2021, at Motorcycle Show